lundi 9 mars 2015

Change Assistant With32-bit and 64-bit JREs

En essayant de déployer un ASI à partir de Channge Assistant , on obtient l'erreur suivant: Error. Failed to deploy. com/jdedwards/database/base/JDBException Exception class : java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.jdedwards.database.base.JDBException (Thread[Schedule Builder,6,Jobs], 2015.03.09/14:17:16:995) Scenario 4 - Installing and Updating Change Assistant With32-bit and 64-bit JREs Symptoms: Change Assistant requires the 32 bit version of the Java Runtime Engine (JRE) for processing because EnterpriseOne is a 32 bit application. However, with Windows Server 2008, Change Assistant sometimes will not install properly without the 64 bit version of the Java Runtime Engine (JRE) installed as well. With releases of Change Assistant prior to 3.0.06, when installing Change Assistant for the first time or when a new version of Change Assistant is pushed out, Change Assistant fails to install if only the 32-bit version of Java 1.6.x (e.g. 1.6.24) is installed. The message received is: Unable to launch Java App It will install if JRE 1.5.x (e.g. 1.5.12) OR if the 64-bit version of JRE 1.6.x (e.g. 1.6.24) is installed, however, Change Assistant must be running with the 32-bit version to deploy packages, configurations, etc. Customers have reported having to switch out between the various JRE levels in order to successfully install/update Change Assistant and then using it to deploy packages. Sometimes, if the 64-bit version is installed (even if the 32-bit is also installed) Change Assistant will not deploy packages, reporting errors such as "EnterpriseOne: not installed”. Solution: Be sure that your Change Assistant has been updated to the latest release of 3.0.06 (or higher as new ones are released). This contains the code fix for Bug 14028667that corrected the issue where Change Assistant would not install or update unless the 64 bit JRE was also installed. Do verify your Change Assistant shortcut Properties as suggested below in the Workaround. WORKAROUND: 1. Install both the 32-bit and 64-bit versions of the JRE. This link is for Java SE Runtime Environment 6 update 24: Download and run jre-6u24-windows-x64.exe to install the 64-bit version. Download and run jre-6u24-windows-i586.exe to install the 32-bit version. (You will need to Accept License Agreement to download.) 2. Install Change Assistant: 3. Edit the Change Assistant shortcut on the desktop: o Right-click on the shortcut and choose Properties to configure it. o Set the "Start in" value as: C:\Windows\SySWOW64 o Set the "Target" value as: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\javaws.exe o Click the Advanced button to check the checkbox to allow the shortcut to always run with the Run as Administrator option (see print screens below).

lundi 8 février 2010

Comment utilisé la classe com.jdedwards.jdbc.driver.Driver

A partir de la Tool Release 8.98 (TR 8.98) , oracle a mis à la disposition des utilisateurs la DAS(Data Access Server).
Lorsque vous créez une instance DAS sur votre serveur Manager , vous pouver directement utiliser un JDBC sur BIP publisher pour acceder à vos donner .
Nous partegerons avec vous dans nos prochains articles " How to set up DAS in SVM"

Utilisation des paramètres sur la BI Publisher

lundi 20 juillet 2009

Oracle Announces the Availability of JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools 8.98 Update 1

The new product enhancements in are:
• New product Introduction: Oracle Enterprise Manager Application Pack for JD Edwards
A new product offering which enables JD Edwards EnterpriseOne to be managed using Oracle Enterprise Manager.
• Embedded Oracle BI reports in JD Edwards EnterpriseOne applications
The tool set is enhanced to allow the design and runtime support for embedding Oracle Business Intelligence (OBI) reports into JD Edwards EnterpriseOne forms.
• Data Access Driver (DAD) for JD Edwards EnterpriseOne
A standards based JDBC (type 4) driver for java applications. This data query interface complements the Data Access Server (DAS) released with Tools release 8.98.0.
• Embedded BI Publisher enhancement to optionally save report output to a file system
Product enhancement to allow reports created using the Embedded BI Publisher Reporting capability to be saved to a file system.
• Data Selection security controls on user submission of a UBE
A modification to the Security Workbench application and runtime platform to control user options for adding, modifying, or deleting data selection criteria when submitting a report.
The additional platform certifications consist of:
• Support for Oracle Application Server
• Support for Microsoft Windows Server 2008 (64-bit on x86-64 hardware)
Note: JDE E1 continues to run as a 32-bit application within the 64-bit operating system
• Support for Microsoft SQL Server 2008 64-bit edition running on Windows Server 2008
• Support for Microsoft Internet Explorer version 8.0
• Support for the Firefox browser version 3.0.3
• Support for running the Oracle database 11g on the SUSE Linux (SLES 10)
The 8.98.1 release also includes general maintenance, including fixes included in maintenance packs through

Sources: EnterpriseOne_Tools_8.98_Update_1_Announcement

jeudi 7 mai 2009

Utilisation des filtres avancées avec Filter(expr using condit)

Dans l'exemple qui suit, nous utilisons un test avec CASE pour retourner la valeur du filtre :

CASE WHEN FILTER("Volume Vrac"."Qtité Livrée" USING "Année Fiscale"."Fiscal Year" =6 AND ("Année Fiscale"."Période" BETWEeN 1 AND 4))<>-99999999999999999 THEN FILTER("Volume Vrac"."Qtité Livrée" USING "Année Fiscale"."Fiscal Year" =6 AND ("Année Fiscale"."Période" BETWEeN 1 AND 4)) ELSE 0 END

samedi 28 mars 2009

Un exemple de code qui génère des erreurs et comment le résoudre

select t1.fy as Année, as Période,t1.obj as Objet, sum(t1.aa) as Montant
from F0911 t1
where t1.fy=7 and t1.obj>=600000 and t1.obj<=629999
group by t1.fy,,t1.obj

Il faut remplacer Année par Annee, Période par Periode.

jeudi 19 mars 2009

Oracle BI Publisher Enterprise

Une des nouveautés majeures avec la Tool Release 8.98 est l'introduction de la DAS (Data Acces Server). Cet outil permet à Jd Edwards de communiquer avec Oracle BI Publisher .
L'installation pour la communication avec la base données Jd edwards nécessite un paramétrage du coté Server Manager (Voir installation et management du Sever manager) et un paramétrage des ODBC du coté Oracle BI Publiser.
L'utilisation du BI Enterprise nécessite l'installation du BIPublisherDesktop . Il peut être téléchargé sur le site Oracle BI Enterprise. Avant d'intaller le BIPublisherDesktop il faut d'abord installer le Java Runtime, il est téléchargeable sur le site .